Words by Drake Blog

Critical thinking in academia

Critical Thinking is Hard… to Define?

What is critical thinking? You would think such a simple question would have an easy answer. But as I sit here reviewing a paper recently submitted to a journal, I’m struck yet again that...

Reflections on 2023

I’m all about setting goals. And as the new year loams, revisiting my goals are important.   Equally important, however, is reflecting the past year’s accomplishments. It provides me with perspective of what I can...

Research update

Update on research

With my application for promotion to Professor on the horizon, it is time to provide a research update, reviewing where I’m at and what I plan to accomplish in the coming year.  This past...

Using ChatGPT to develop a course wicked fast

Using ChatGPT to build a course

How fast can I build a course using the new ChatGPT? A couple weeks ago, I attended a session on using AI for course development.  It got me to wondering just how fast I...

Section 230 and the Future of the Internet

Before the Supreme Court are two cases that question an immunity clause in the 1996 Communications Decency Act. Part of this act included a section (Section 230) that protected companies that hosted user content...

Research 2.0

Research 2.0

It occurred to me recently that academia has, in all of its traditional glory, failed to adopt the the Web 2.0 mindset in publication and research. We live in a publish or perish environment. ...

AI essays

Look out for AI generated essays

A couple days ago, I was shocked to read a story by philosophy professor Darren Hick out of Furman University.  He shared publicly on Facebook a story about a student using AI generated essays...

Catastrophizing social media

Catastrophizing Social Media

It’s easy today to hate on social media.  News articles suggest social media causes anxiety, spreads misinformation, and become cesspools of me-to thinking. And not without basis.  Various scientific articles have shared these concerns...