The written word

For someone that never excelled at English in high school, I’ve written far more in my career than I ever would have imagined.  Curious at the extent, I summed up how much writing I’ve published in the past 15 years. 

Peer reviewed writing

I started with my peer reviewed academic work, including my research publications and my textbook.    

Title Pages
eCommerce: A stakeholder approach 249 pages
Job Applicants’ Information Privacy Protection Responses: Using Social Media for Candidate Screening 25 pages
Global Virtual Team Performance: The Effect of
Coordination Effectiveness, Trust, and Team Cohesion
17 pages
The Moderating Effect of Virtuality on Team Trust and Effectiveness 16 pages
Changing Multitasking Intention with Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences  23 pages
Supply chain management technology: a review of empirical literature and research agenda 20 pages
Review and outlook of work breakdown structure for complex product manufacturing 17 pages
Searching for Alternatives: Does Your Disposition Matter? 19 pages
Asking for Facebook Logins: An Egoist Case for Privacy 13 pages
Tourism in the Sharing Economy: How Novelty Seeking Impacts Travel Intentions 19 pages
Online Review Antecedents of Trust, Purchase, and Recommendation Intention: A Simulation-Based Experiment for Hotels and AirBnBs 25 pages
A Critical Analysis of Active Learning and an Alternative Pedagogical Framework for Introductory Information Systems Courses 15 pages
Five Principles for MOOC Design: With a Case Study 19 pages
A Cognitive Approach to Assessing the Materials in Problem-Based Learning Environments  21 pages
Risk in Information Technology Project Portfolio Management 12 pages
Screening Job Candidates With Social Media: A Manipulation of Disclosure Requests 22 pages
The Importance of Individual Characteristics on Consideration Sets for Online Auction Buyers 18 pages
An Exploratory Look at Early Online Auction Decisions: Extending Signal Theory 14 pages
Total 564 pages

That’s 564 pages with my name listed as an author. Well over half of that was single-authored and estimated 80% where I was first author and wrote a significant portion of the work.  That’s roughly 450 or more pages of highly technical work that I directly wrote.   

Non-peer reviewed writing

I next looked at non-peer reviewed published works, primarily blog posts.  Although I also have a self-published book titled “Success through Reason, Purpose and Pride“, available for purchase on Amazon, the chapters are previous blog posts with no new content.  So, I didn’t count that.  Some of the blog posts from Reason for Success were reprints from Try Reason!, but not many.  For the blog posts, I estimated that the average length of each post I authored was around 2 pages.  

Title Pages
Reason for Success – 50 posts 100 pages
Professor Drake – 60 posts 120 pages
Try Reason! – over 300 posts 600 pages
Total 820 pages

That’s more than 800 pages of informal writing.   

That’s well over 1000 pages of published work in multiple different styles. That doesn’t count all the writing I’ve done in other contexts that was never published, such as teaching materials, emails, project plans, research proposals, personal journals, etc.  It also doesn’t count web pages I’ve written and published, or comments on public sites, such as Facebook and LinkedIn. 

However, the sheer output amazes me.  I did that in spite of not being very good at English when I was younger.  I’ve certainly honed my skills and become a much better writer due to all of this practice.  What’s more, I’m excited to continue improving and publishing.  I have new book ideas, research projects in development, and endless thoughts I want to share publicly.  My hope… the best is yet to come.   

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