Words by Drake Blog

textbook cover for Drakes eCommerce A Stakeholder Approach

Textbook published

After four years of work, I’m pleased to announce to publication of my textbook, eCommerce: A Stakeholder Approach. The long and arduous process pushed me to my limits, helping me develop as a writer. ...

Facebook Wall

Do your words matter on Facebook?

Thought of the day: Perhaps the reason Facebook has gained so much data is because we, the users, don’t value our own words and actions enough. Do our words matter? Do we value them?...

Four unresolved issues in privacy

Recently a friend and colleague asked me about key areas of conflict in the field of privacy.  After a bit of brainstorming, I came up with four such issues. Information privacy versus information disclosure....

Judgment errors in e-commerce

My colleague, Dr. Ravi Paul, and I need your help.  In a our latest research project, we need a list the potential judgment errors that may infect e-commerce initiatives. These biases cause errors in...

First thoughts on Induction and Statistics

First thoughts on Induction and Statistics

A friend recently asked me to comment on Whewell’s theory of induction.  Below is my response to him with some slight edits. In some ways, Whewell’s theory is a bit alien to me because...

Net Neutrality: What it is and what it isn’t

Whether you agree or disagree with Net Neutrality, it’s important to understand all the facts. Unfortunately, the proponents of Net neutrality often cherry pick them. With the upcoming Day of Action for Net Neutrality,...

The Luddites are Back

In the evening of November 12, 1811, a group of workers collected in the moors of Nottingham, England.  After 2 successful attacks on local industries, they wanted more. Tonight they were drilling and practicing...

Research trifecta

In the past couple weeks, I’ve experienced three research accomplishments, at three increasingly better journals.  It’s convinced me that I am really starting to get the hang of this research thing. First, my article...

Judgment columns

Bias and Judgment in Decision Making

I just finished reading Judgment in Managerial Decision Making by Max H. Bazerman, though I have the 2nd edition (published in 1990) and now he has moved on to the 8th edition (published in 2012). ...